Webarchive of Covid-19 : the National Library needs your help to complete its collection

The National Library of Luxembourg is building a collection on all relevant information on the spread of the Coronavirus in Luxembourg. Naturally, online news media are an important part of this collection. Therefore, we would like to ask for your help in capturing all aspects in relation with the Covid-19 outbreak:

  • On many news sites, we were only able to go back to articles from beginning of March 2020. If you could provide us a list of URLs to relevant articles from before that date, it would help in completing the picture and capturing the entire timeline of news reports. The list of URLs to all captured news articles will be made available online, in the same way as we have presented several other collections on webarchive.lu
  • In these unprecedented times, new initiatives in solidarity and the need for public information have called for the creation of new websites and online platforms responding to the needs of a society adapting to this crisis. In order to capture these developments for future generations, we would like you to share your discoveries of informational websites, opinion-forming Facebook or Twitter pages, civil interest organizations dealing with the Coronavirus.

The National Library of Luxembourg harvests websites in accordance with the law of June 25, 2004 “portant réorganisation des instituts culturels de l’Etat” and the “Règlement grand-ducal du 6 novembre 2009 relatif au dépôt légal”. Publications in non-material forms which are accessible to the public through electronic means, for instance through the Internet, are subject to legal deposit in Luxembourg. A Heritrix robot crawler collects the websites automatically. A “seed” is a URL address, used as a starting point for the robot to crawl the web. A harvesting campaign is based on a “seed list”, of websites relevant to the subject.

The captures of a website aim to produce an exact copy of the original. Different from a screen capture, the archived website includes all links, documents and functions of the original page. Due to the copyright exception for the collection and preservation of web contents, the web archive is only accessible from within the National Library.

You can contact us and send your lists of URLs to the Luxembourg Web Archive


Ben Els, Digital Curator

 +352 661 60 59 59

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