The National Library joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

The National Library of Luxembourg, la Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg, has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) this month, becoming the Coalition’s newest Full Member.

As part of its legal mission as a national heritage library, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg (BnL) collects, catalogues, enriches and preserves all publications issued in Luxembourg as well as all those issued abroad relating to the Grand Duchy. Through its Digital Preservation project, the BnL ensures the management, availability and long-term preservation of digital publications, resulting from a digitization process, collection of born-digital material or through legal deposit.

“As a member of the DPC, the BnL is keen to take advantage of the expertise of the Coalition to train its staff, to further develop our Digital Preservation Strategy and to work together with other institutions on common challenges,” explains Roxana Maurer-Popistașu, Digital Preservation Coordinator for the BnL.

“We plan to use this opportunity, not just to follow international standards and best practices, but to participate in their development for the benefit of our global community.”

Chair of the DPC Board and Head of Data Division for STFC, Juan Bicarregui was delighted to welcome the BnL to the Coalition saying: “As the seventh national library to join the Coalition, the BnL joins an international network of world class, sector leading organizations with tremendous collective expertise.”

“I am certain that by working together in addressing our common goal, we will succeed in providing resilient access to digital materials.”

The not-for-profit DPC is an advocate for digital preservation and helps members to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards, and through good management and governance. Its primary objective is raising awareness of the importance of the preservation of digital material and the attendant strategic, cultural and technological issues.

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