70 years of revue uploaded by the BnL New digitised content on eluxemburgensia.lu

Luxembourgish Collection

The National Library of Luxembourg (BnL) is proud to announce that the emblematic weekly magazine revue - De Magazin fir Lëtzebuerg is now fully online on its eluxemburgensia.lu portal. From now on, users will be able to browse 443,424 pages from 1945 to 2020 in just a few clicks.

Founded on 1 September 1945 by Emile Probst, the magazine which was then called Revue. Letzeburger Illustre’ert is much more than just a periodical. It is a true witness to Luxembourg’s history, recounting key events over the decades. Edited by Hubert Féjean and printed by Bourg-Bourger, the publication quickly established itself as essential reading for everyone, thanks to its local, national and international news, practical advice and entertaining articles. In 1948, Katrin C. Martin, journalist and author, became editor-in-chief of the magazine. She was one of the first women to hold such a position in the Luxembourgish press. 

Since its inception, the magazine has captured the hearts of its readers by showcasing leading journalists and artists. The visual aspect was a central element of its commercial strategy. The magazine worked with renowned photographers such as Pol Aschman, Tony Krier, Jean Weyrich and Jochen Herling to illustrate articles by Luxembourg authors Nic Weber, Michel Raus, Rolph Ketter and Evy Friedrich.

Comics have also had a prominent place and it was thanks to De Bim an de Jopi by Pe’l Schlechter or Edelmut und Roselinde and Mil’s Abenteuer by Gab Weis, not forgetting the legendary adventures of Superjhemp by Lucien Czuga and Roger Leiner, that the bande-dessinée  took off in Luxembourg. Noteworthy are also the witty caricatures by Carlo Schneider, which continue to brighten up the pages of the magazine to this day.

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