Cedom launches “De Litty 6” and completes an exceptional educational collection

Cedom Music Collection

The Cedom (Centre d’études et de documentation musicales) of the National Library of Luxembourg has just published De Litty 6: Rock a Popmusek zu Lëtzebuerg.

De Litty 6 is a real journey in sound. It  presents rock and pop music in Luxembourg, its historical context and its emergence from the leading figures of American rock. The publication traces the key moments in this genre’s development, presents the different styles of amplified music and highlights the artists who have left their mark on the history of music in Luxembourg.

This brand-new publication concludes the Les Carnets didactiques du Cedom collection, marking the completion of a series that stands out for its multidisciplinary approach and covers music in Luxembourg, from cabaret and musical theatre to classical music, jazz and rock-pop. With the release of De Litty 6, the collection now reaches a total of eight volumes, each designed to offer teachers and students valuable educational materials.

A free concert celebrating De Litty 6 will be held on 19 June 2024 at 19.00 at the BnL featuring the artists Georges Urwald, Anna Felke, Andrea Galleti, Laurent Kohn, Nadja Prange, Apollo Munyanshongore and Benoit Martiny.

The publication of De Litty 6 not only brings to fruition an ambitious project, but also reiterates the Cedom’s commitment to the educational valorisation of its music archives and collections.

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