BnL hosts this year's ICOLC meeting (International Coalition of Library Consortia)

The International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) is an informal, self-organized group currently comprising approximately 200 library consortia in North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa. Twice per year ICOLC conducts meetings dedicated to keeping participating consortia informed about issues of importance to directors, governing boards, and libraries of consortia. Only consortial staff and members are permitted to attend the meetings. There is no vendor area. The ICOLC meetings usually take place in North America during Spring and Europe during Autumn.

The Luxembourg program will cover several sessions about current challenges for consortia and how they can successfully support the current transformation to Open Access publishing. Besides presentations from the community, there will guest speakers like Lorraine Estelle from Project COUNTER, Malavika Legge (Biochemical Society / Portland Press) and Richard Gallagher (Annual Reviews). Keynote speaker will be Jean Claude Burgelman, Special Envoy for Open Access at the European Commission.

More background information is available at:

Feather, Celeste. "The International Coalition of Library Consortia: origins, contributions and path forward." Insights 28, no. 3 (October 2015): , pp.89–93.

Okerson, Ann, and Kathy Perry. "International Coalition of Library Consortia" Wikipedia. February 27, 2016.

Okerson, Ann. "Reflections about Consortia-world." Against the Grain 28, no. 1 (February 2016): 78. (subscription required)

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