Tour 01
Tour 01
The Bicherbus runs on Mondays 6 and 27 January, 17 Feruary, 10 and 31 March, 12 May, 2 June, and 14 July 2025.
08.50 - 09.35 Hautcharage ⚠
Rue de Bascharage, car park opposite cemetery
New timetable from March 2025: 09.10 - 10.00
09.45 - 10.25 Clemency ⚠
Rue de Bascharage, path parallel to Rue de Bascharage
New timetable from March 2025: 10.10 - 11.00
10.45 - 11.45 Pétange ⚠
Place J. F. Kennedy, in front of town hall
New timetable from March 2025: 11.15 - 11.45
New location from March 2025: Rue de l’Église
13.15 - 14.15 Rodange
Rue Joseph Moscardo, next to Hall Omnisportif, access through football field
14.40 - 15.30 Soleuvre
Scheierhaffstrooss, near the former integrated centre for the elderly
Last update