Discover in practice with our new video series

With a few simple clicks, guides you to the result you are looking for – whether it is printed documents or online resources. Our new video series is designed to get you started with the one stop search engine, simplifying your exploration of the National Library’s catalogue and those of other libraries in the network.

These how-to guides are available in French, German and English. Learn the essentials in our initial five tutorials:

  1. Signing in
  2. Simple search
  3. Filtering
  4. Requesting documents
  5. Extending loans

Further video guides are in planning. Is there a specific topic you’d like us to cover? Share your thoughts and let us know! In the meantime, don’t forget to have a look at our online help page, participate in our workshops or simply reach out to a member of staff for assistance with your research.

Watch the series on YouTube

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